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Disposable Diaries: Leo Benedictus

Our latest ‘Disposable Diaries’ comes from Leo Benedictus, the author of two novels: The Afterparty and the newly published stalker thriller, Consent. We gave the author a disposable camera to take away, and the photos he took show some of the things he gets up to when he’s not writing, including a delightful allotment project of his.


A size-4 football, between kicks










A size-4 football, between kicks.


My feet on the sidelines















My feet on the sidelines


A slowworm, technically a legless lizard and not a snake, accidentally disturbed from hibernation by my spade










A slowworm, technically a legless lizard and not a snake, accidentally disturbed from hibernation by my spade.


Myself and one of my sons, in their den. The pickaxe is mine. The greenhouse isn’t.










Me and one of my sons, in their den. The pickaxe is mine. The greenhouse isn’t.


Cocoa, aggregates










Cocoa, aggregates.


Artichokes just grow mindlessly all year.










Artichokes just grow mindlessly all year.


I liked oriented strand board before it was cool.










I liked oriented strand board before it was cool.














My pickaxe again. Consent’s digging scene is one of very few I was able to write from experience.















My pickaxe again. Consent’s digging scene is one of very few I was able to write from experience.


The spade my wife gave me for Christmas.















The spade my wife gave me for Christmas.


Signs without a signpost and a signpost without a sign










Signs without a signpost and a signpost without a sign.


A van that people live in










A van that people live in.


A fan-trained apple tree, my other magnum opus










A fan-trained apple tree, my other magnum opus.

Leo Benedictus’s new novel, Consent, is available in hardback here.