Tony White’s The Fountain in the Forest Crossword Competition
Tony White’s The Fountain in the Forest Crossword
Inspired by the experiments of Georges Perec and Oulipo, Tony White wrote The Fountain in the Forest using a literary technique known as ‘mandated vocabulary’, where the words used to create the work are predetermined in some way. In this case, each chapter was written using all the solutions to the Guardian’s Quick Crossword from successive days in 1985, starting with 4 March in chapter one.
To celebrate publication, Tony White has devised a cunning crossword of his own for The Fountain in the Forest readers and crossword fans. Some of the answers to this puzzle are relatively straightforward, others will be found in the pages of The Fountain in the Forest.
Prize and Winner Announcement
One lucky winner will receive the incredible bundle of Faber books pictured here.

The winner will be announced at the ‘Under the Paving Stones’ experimental fiction Faber Social night on 19 February 2018 where Tony White will randomly select one person out of those that answer correctly. The name of the winner will be published, together with the solutions, on 20 February on the Faber & Faber website and Faber social pages.
How to Enter
Download the crossword and clues here: Fountain Crossword Competition File
Print out this page, complete the crossword, then please post it, marked clearly with your name, UK address and postcode, email address and contact telephone number, to:
Post your completed crossword to:
Fountain Crossword
FAO James Stone
Faber & Faber
Bloomsbury House
74-77 Great Russell Street
London WC1B 3DA
Alternatively, scan your completed crossword and email to:
Subject: Fountain Crossword
– Deadline for entries | 12 February 2018
– UK Residents only